terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2010

Nível Básico do Inglês - Lição 4 - Exercícios

1 – Organize as palavras e forme frases com sentido.

a)must/ American/they/be
They must be American.

No, they aren’t.

c)be/you/ hungry/must
You must be hungry.

No, we aren’t hungry, thanks. / No thanks, we aren’t hungry.

2 – Escreva a forma correta do verbo to be: am, -‘m not, is, -‘s, isn’t, are, -‘re ou aren’t.

a)Are they hungry?

b)No, they aren’t but they’re very tired.

c)We’re happy here, but she isn’t.

d)Are you two from Italy? – No, we aren’t, but they are.

e)No thanks, I’m full. I’m not hungry.

3 – Como se diz em inglês? Relacione os números com as letras.

1.Você pede a alguém que entre.
2.Você pede a alguém que deixe a mala no local.
3.Você pede a alguém que se sente.
4.Você apresenta alguém.
5.Você pede a alguém que se aproxime.

a.Please come here
b.Meet José Luis Rey.
c.Please come in.
d.Leave your bag here.
e.Sit down.

1 – c
2 – d
3 – e
4 – b
5 – a

4 – Nestas frases algumas palavras foram trocadas. Você saberia escrever as palavras corretas?

a)Nice to leave you.
Nice to meet you.

b)Meet the bags in the hall.
Leave the bags in the hall.

c)Oh dear, you must be hungry. Sit down.
Oh dear, you must be tired. Sit down.

d)Oh dear, you’re tired. Have a sandwich.
Oh dear, you’re hungry. Have a sandwich.

e) The hall is full of Japanese Students.
The hall is full of bags.

f)The school is full of bags.
The school is full of Japanese students.

5 – Você consegue decifrar estas palavras? Todas são escritas com inicial maiúscula.






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